Clearly I am not a guru when it comes to running; my distances are short, my times are too long, and my form is sad. I often look like a three legged bear limping back to the car. Yet here I am, telling all of my followers (and those would be my wife and…oh wait, that’s it) about my running trials and tribulations. Well as I waded through the ocean of running blogs I found several I liked; articulate, helpful, inspiring, and so on (Runblogger is my current favorite). But I’ve yet to find any worth reading from about a heavy runner or any directed towards a heavy audience, so I decided to start my own. If people (big or small) find this and can get something out of it, then great. But even if my wife is my only subscriber (and I doubt she actually reads them) I will continue to web-log away. If for no other reason, it will serve as my own inspiration, my accountability to myself. But I can hope; maybe I’ll start a new trend turning uber-competitive stocky ex-ruggers/fighters/powerlifters into distance runners, maybe I’ll lead the way inspiring overweight people to not quit after the initial struggle, or maybe I’ll get all kinds of free stuff from running companies trying to tap into a new market (that would be great, for all you companies out there).